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End of the Season Round up

Co-vid 19 Update

Following the update from England Hockey concerning Co-vid 19, all West Clubs Womens Hockey League matches are postponed with immediate effect.

Unplayed matches

In view of the Government restrictions due to Co-vid 19 it has been decided by WCWHL to draw a line under the season as it stands. The WCWHL Committee is currently in the process of deciding how best to deal with tables.

BAC does PuckFest

What a fun day? topped off with winning. Go gymnasts!7s-tournament48e78d89-54de-48c2-a187-66c1f91acb8e

BAC 2s Get Promoted!

I have some very BIG and exciting news! BAC2 will finish second in Berkley 2, which in itself is fabulous, but the BIG news is: THE TOP TWO GET PROMOTED!! BAC2 HAVE BEEN PROMOTED TO BERKELEY 1!!! ?? Well done BAC2, and special well done to Gemma and Leanne for getting the team where it needs to be!!

Going to be an awesome 2018/19 season I can feel it in my bones! I’m one very pleased and proud Club Captain! ☺️ Sally