Monthly Archives: February 2016

Leominster 1 – 7 BAC

At 6am on Saturday 20th February, the sound of 11 alarm clocks could be heard ringing around Bristol, as us BAC ladies got out of our beds, into our kits and then in to our cars (although Liz struggled with the car bit!) for the Leominster (Leo) away match. We didn’t mind the early start (I say we, Becky did) as we were pumped and up for it after a very motivating discussion earlier in the week care of Tinny and Sledger. After a quick change and a final captains chat from Tinny we were out warming up and getting ourselves in the headspace needed. We had hope and we wanted 3 points…..

Bretforten 4 – BAC 2 (06/02/16)

BAC travelled to Evesham today,

Along the M5 motorway,

Everyone was in the mood play,

Despite the threat of being blown away.

Within 5 minutes brets had scored,

But BAC were not to be floored,

“Go on Tinny” the whole team roared,

As her magnificent strike hit the backboard.